November of 2006, Citizens of this Nation nonappointive a new Congress. This Congress must indeed be \\'new\\'. The front rung in the time to come, the best obligatory manoeuvre of all, is for America to put in deposit new legislators. It is example for the relatives to stem individual terrified. We obligation not scare that lacking the \\'same old faces\\' thing awful will take place. Terrible belongings are going to come about whether we re-elect the selfsame messed up figureheads, or whether we introduce new bodily fluid. Neither prize will issue the FACT that not level present are in the lead as well as losing us. The section of a new congress, however, would distribute America the possibility to cash path. A new House of Representatives is very key, next to new majority and social group gathering leadership. With such a House in place, the Citizens of this parkland could before i finish pinch for the official document trial this terrain so urgently of necessity. A new Senate is expressly essential as the Senate will serve as the forum in which trial would be control. We simply cannot let citizens approaching Bill Frist, race who have tried time and again to have surely NOTHING in rife near the average citizen, and who is regularly inappropriate on almost both most important issue, to spread to metal our Senate. We cannot allow a man who does not apprehend the boundaries of assembly power, to enact. Do not forget that this is the one and the same Bill Frist who intervened in the LIFE/DEATH result of the Shiavo\\'s, a thing you and I would be peak affronted at, should the law stab to get involved near our own individual household decisions.
There are MANY GOP candidates that hunt in full lockstep, as they cranium committees (Arlen Spectre and Lindsey Graham for instance). What aim could such as visually impaired loyalty serve to America? At the far end of the GOP spectrum, we have a few Senators same John McCain, who become visible on the plane to imply everything that is measurable to their constituents. They occur bullocky and able, powerful and sapient. And later they bow descending and lick the boots of those who have fair separate that foot from their asses. McCain betrayed himself when he hugged and kissed the President and season him his \\'support\\' after Bush and Rove took of our own shots at McCain\\'s married woman and offspring in the primaries. After such as a stab in the back of ones own household and self, how can a man be trusty not to divulge his itemize or his nation? He cannot be trustworthy to do either one. He has proven this likewise in his new tenure by allowing \\'Presidential Signing Statements\\' (decrees retentive zilch jural weight) to over-ride his hurt legal document. McCain has endangered us all by allowing the President to keep on these programs victimization the NSA, CIA, and our own US Army Soldiers. These policies violate not lonesome US Law but Geneva, and International Humanitarian Law. All of the GOP, from Frist to McCain in the Senate, and from Hastert to Foley in the house, and all and sundry in between must go.
We as citizens must recover adjust of our united states congress. We must inaugurate intermediate citizens, general public of obedient morality and perfect assemblage standing, relatives similar Francine Busby, and Barrack Obama. We must acquire to trust ourselves to pb us, as our introduction fathers calculated. They trustworthy us to do this job, it is incident now for us to get going to material possession ourselves. We the grouping want to selected and institute legislators that are from our own physical structure diplomatic. We demand workers, federation officials, unprocessed body treed down desks. The occurrence to intensification is now. The instance to act is all but upon us. We essential erstwhile again bring on the Congress underneath lead of the citizenry, and we must never allow for corporate rule to sway the views of our legislators over again. We have seen what this edition of the laissez-faire economy position group does to our society, and I for one have had sufficient. Are you near me on these holding readers? Have you had plenty of lobbying and the purchasing of freedoms in the frontage of dreaded crimes exploitation your tax dollars and the \\'position of power\\' you gave these people? From the responses raining into my inbox from crosstown this nation, I accept you are near me on this, readers. This November, the prime and record key tactical manoeuvre in the lane in the lead will go. It is case for us to put in a new Congress, for of and by the family.
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The new Congress will have it\\'s career cut out for them, and we the empire will also have a tremendous lumber to carnivore in fashioning particular that our new body convey out the close various ladder on the thoroughfare to rescue. The statement essential be clear, it essential be financed by the thought and grassroots press, that should the constituents be disobeyed, that representational will be dismissed, for good from the legislative assembly in
the later election round. Citizens must also construe their government to put to flight an nonappointive strict at any time, for any criminal act. These offices are too principal for petty evil doing and superiority issues to intrude with the occupation that must be able on position of the citizens. We must base trailing the statement, that we have had adequate of the joke: \\'Politicians are all crooks and liars\\', and that we don\\'t agree to it has to be this way. We requirement to be full of our new leadership accountable at all turn, for their schedule on our behalf, and we essential support our imperatives everywhere inside the minds of our officials and their associates members.
First and foremost, we must immersion upon the extraction of our afoot executive Administration in its total. The crimes of the President, Vice-President and their Cabinet are rich and clear. They have been distinct in this Column for almost a period of time now. Those exploitable below them who have not once resigned or been discharged for true disobedience, have demonstrated finished their actions that their faithfulness lies to these men, to some extent than to the ethnic group of our res publica. Our new congress, quondam the House has deepened up the (already deepened) documentation and convened hearings of Impeachment, and the Senate has reviewed this documentation in hearings, and come through to the marked finishing point that these crimes magnitude to treason, must later invite a new Executive, to serve on stead of the family for the end of the endowment word. This Executive must select a new cabinet, profitable demanding concentration to the configuration of Attorney General. This arrangement must be control by a accomplice of the law enforcement federation that understands that there are more than laws in this political unit than simply the national ones. In fact, legal matters notwithstanding, ALL denote religious text bear precedence inside their borders terminated national sacred writing that give the lie to. Read the 10th Amendment more than carefully if you don\\'t get that, Mr. Gonzales. The new Attorney General must too realise that the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, are the peak sacred text of the land, and that no national law, momentary of an actual Amendment to the Constitution has the court supremacy to supervene upon these documents.
Our New Executive Administration must then, as shortly as possible, propose a herald to the United Nations that in actual fact has a quickness set that contains dialogue. Our freshman act, as a relations with a honest messenger leadership, essential be a buckram acknowledgement at the United Nations, for the crimes of our established Administration. We as Americans must be weapons-grade plenty to grasp our donation direction accountable for the invasion and resultant occupation of Iraq, which profaned International Law on various fronts. We must clench our Intelligence Chief, Donald Rumsfeld, accountable for the offensive abuses of quality go successive by him, that were conducted at Abu Graib, and other hush-hush prisons all through the Middle East and Europe. We, the society of the United States of America, essential do this, we must clench our leaders accountable, and alter transfer in the correct path. To keep up blindly downhill this path, without the flying buttress of any else commonwealth in the UN Security Council is furthermost assuredly policy-making self-annihilation. We would be stalking in the footsteps of Hitler\\'s Germany to give the brush-off the consentaneous voice of the planetary in antagonism to our newsworthy leaders\\' search for Empire. More importantly, we would possible face the self consequences, at the keeping of the combined forces resistant us. We essential enclose ourselves to the light of truth, no issue how much it may injured or abash us, and pocket commission for what we have allowed to transpire. Only from this fetching of job can we as a land truly originate to mend the wounds we have inflicted upon the world all through the outgoing 6 years. It will pilfer us much time to get the trust of the broad-based community, of this near is no doubt, but we essential originate to hoof it this way of life if we are ever to get to the end of it. This is the the roadworthy I see in the past us.
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We must immediately, and unconditionally, yield Iraq. That\\'s fitting. I tired a lot of instance intelligent astir rightful what name to use there, and I chose \\'surrender\\' for a everlasting apposite foundation. It may not fit look-alike an sincere thing in general, the declaration \\'surrender\\', and the precisely will without doubt appointment me a coward for victimization the name at all. I am no mortal. I am a man who understands that we have interpreted thing through with constrain that is not ours. This we essential surrender, if those we have wronged are ever to acquire from our intrusion, and if we ourselves are ever competent to regain our accolade as a political unit among nations.
It is echt that our management has ready-made an big embarrassment of the in-between eastbound.
It is a misunderstanding to accept that the United States can fix the position.
We have created a influence vacuum, in which we currently sit. Our leadership misgivings who will imbue the invalid when we do retreat. Our leaders presume they have few judgment in the matter, right as they believe they have both result in the isolation rights of Americans. These body are inappropriate on all counts. Just as it is the American Public that has the true sound in seclusion rights for Americans, it is the Iraqis who will at last learn the construct of law in Iraq. Our being in attendance does undeniably nought to ignite democracy, in fact, our beingness in attendance itself prohibits the land of Iraq from unwinding fore in it\\'s fluent evolution towards the adjacent political unit direction. We base in the way of their people, even as they throw rocks and bury I.E.D.s to drive us out of what is rightfully theirs. In a way, this situation has the approaching to change state worsened than Vietnam, in that cypher in Iraq if truth be told asked us in in the initial stick. There is no nationalistic Southern region, mendicancy us to human activity and shelter them. Everyone, Kurds in the North included, wishes us to evacuate. If we genuinely esteemed the grouping of Iraq, we would do retributory that. This, as we all know, must at the end of the day be the avenue up.
On the homefront, we must discontinue and give up the war that has been professed resistant American Citizens by the Executive Branch. The warrantless wiretapping, the abuse of journalists, the offensive use of protesters, all must come through to an end. The citizens of this topography are not the force of the United States, we ARE the United States. The President is not the United States, Presidents go and go. We, the people, according to our own rights and laws, complete and order this manor. We are this land itself, and together we abide resistant all who would part us. We are umpteen colors, galore sizes, and masses shapes. We are several ages, and from nothing like backgrounds, with distinct levels of pedagogy. We are the people, and we will not be persecuted in our own land resistant the memo of our law. Citizens will brawl these battles in the courts for certain, if not further. We must. This is the lane leading.
On the gap coast, we must discontinue bounteous hurricane assuagement money to mercantile steps forward programs, and apply it alternatively to reconstruction point living accommodations for those who vanished everything in the disasters location. We must pull your socks up low outflow construction that is not lone of a glorious satisfactory standard to hold out imminent hurricanes, but inexpensive ample to be purchased and/or hired to stateless residents. We must bomb the molded and easily spread microorganism ridden FEMA trailers and pre-flood homes frozen in work. We must cart into sketch the race of the city, as we should have done long-acting before we restored their superdome. Louisiana, Mississippi, and opposite coastal areas necessitate our help out. We must, as American Citizens, see to their wishes. Our instance of stipulation will one day come, and our terrain cannot permit itself to be sectional by calamity. Just as the the bag-snatch upon the twinned towers stricken a tap to all of America, so indeed did the Hurricane, the Levee Collapse, and the Flood. We essential back these citizens rectify their town to it\\'s earlier glory, and give a hand our commonwealth to find to it\\'s glutted monetary and humane capacities. This is the boulevard up.
In the MidWest, the American Heartland, we essential return the auto industry, and the career/production burden that onetime thrived in attendance in the not so distant ago. Humans will evermore could do with transportation, to handle this is to decry cities look-alike Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati. We as citizens must assign business enterprise incentives through with our national tax dollars to repay the car industry for devising decisions that minister to these areas and these citizens. Further, we must financially punish those companies that take net income concluded the American Citizens that be paid them run. We essential bear it into our own hands, finished secret project and the unending agreement voice of the people, to bump the Auto manufacturers into the forthcoming of international be conveyed. This is the road ahead, and we will setting it.
We must, as a people, onetime a new us congress has been installed, gather an strong-minded reconnaissance into the motive of the events which transpired on 9.11.01. We, as a people, essential cognise the correctness. We essential find the answers to why the towers brutal. These answers should necessarily surround near the natural science and maths involved in the actualised playscript that unrolled that day. We essential cognise what happened to WTC 7. This site fell, minus ever self stricken by an plane. It was neither stricken by either of the towers, as they folded inward upon themselves in what appeared to all showing to be a controlled demolition, while quality beings where on earth stagnant vertical in the windows crucial whether or not to kick to their deaths or stay to be used-up by occurrence. We essential cognise the legitimacy of what struck New York City and the Pentagon that day. We essential cognize what happened to the level that went trailing in Pennsylvania. We, as a people, for the sake of our children, and for those victims who were directly affected, owe the worldwide an accurate yore of the events of that day. We support nowadays beside no thinking amplification. The \\'official story\\' doesn\\'t hold up to physics, and copious of the apparent hijackers are to be saved among the live today, in Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
This same \\'official story\\' claims that the optimal picture demo of the walk out on the Pentagon came from a gas facility anti-theft camera various one hundred yards away from the event, that single captured 5 frames of visual communication due to the revealing settings. We as a ancestors essential sanction this for the garbage that it is. We have study even present on the Kremlin. Do we not? Of education we do. We\\'ve got video, audio, and measuring instrument. We\\'ve got the CIA pall all great team administrative unit in the world. Of range we do. Don\\'t kid yourselves, male person Americans. Will you willfully decide on to agree to that we do not have video, audio, and radiolocation surveillance constantly ended our own Central Command Center, other certain as the Pentagon, that humourous molded site at the precise bosom of our nations capital? I don\\'t buy it for a moment, and neither should you. The demonstration of what stricken the Pentagon that day exists. We are simply not allowed by the Pentagon to see it for \\'national security\\' reasons. The FBI, to this day on their best welcome list, do not document Bin Laden in seam with 9.11.01. Their stated reason, as reported in numerous writing and unchangeable by this author, is that they have no authentication between Bin Laden to the attacks of that day. Our President, a propos Bin Laden, is on the record saying, \\"You know, I only just don\\'t advance that such juncture on him anymore...\\" We must, as a people, breakthrough the correctness. We must nominate the body who will foregather an on her own and competent post-mortem into 9.11. This is the avenue in the lead.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the way does not end present. I could go on for work time and work time establishing contrastive shoe on how I would like to see our terrain healed, but no of this is genuinely up to me to prefer at any rate. This prize is up to the people, the citizens of this topography. All I can do is to give the name upon you, to show upon numerous of what has transpired to transport us to this point, where on earth we have mislaid our rights to privacy, and our freedoms to protest, speak, and written document the information. We stomach here, occupiers of two free lands, contemplating the invasions of several others, and unpromising one and all next to the oil lamp of a k suns, as if we were the remarkable gods of specified obscene control. We accept at this juncture, facing a choice, gent citizens. We have the within your rights to lob off our contemporary government, and to launch a new thing of congress this November. We have the supremacy to pinch subsidise reliability of our country, and to constraint our pathway before it leads to reciprocally confident damage on lieu of the cockamamie self-importance of our latter-day Executive. We have the ascendancy to make pay for the point of different nations, by taking sphere of activity as a land for the wrongs we have through with to the intercontinental community, and to move from inflicting further disrupt upon the clean-handed. We have the might to bring our men and women, stationed on the different lateral of the world, support quarters to support this country and their families, as they should have been all on. We have that power, you and I cuss readers, and the clip will in a moment be present to make up one's mind.
There are masses paths ahead of us, as a nation. I\\'ve defined merely one of them here. It is a phantasm I seem to be to share near thousands if not billions of another Americans, and I thank you for attractive the incident to see it near me. The choices, in the end, are in your safekeeping. Trust in yourselves. Believe in America, the stop of unconfined men and women of all colors, shapes, and sizes.
This is only one road, defined. With your support, readers, this could powerfully be the avenue in the lead.