Albert Einstein The bad man of science said, \\"Time is the fourth Dimension\\". Vedas say that \\"Time is the premiere dimension\\". They say \\"in the setting up within was nothing\\". This construct of \\"nothing\\" is over and done the understanding of tolerable human mind! It is so because formerly the thought of instance within was positively zilch which is identified as the \\"Shoonya\\" or \\'Zero\\' or complete suppress. Only the yogi\\'s who have attained\\" Nir Vikalpa Samadhi\\" circumstance can go through this \\"nothing\\"and no else can. It is a government onwards circumstance or \\"timeless state\\".
Vedas say that from this nil came a jolting best-known as the \\"Pranava\\" or the clamour \\'AUM\\'. From this fit there emerged v signaling instruments of discovery of universes. These were prearranged as the Five \\"Tan matras\\". From the Tanmatras came five Primordial forces titled Space and Time, Atmosphere, Light, Fire, Liquids, and at length the natural process of all. The admixture of these forces resulted in building of the universes, as we know it now.
It is an recognized medical certainty that even the universes are occurrence conjugate. The guess of relativity (so called because all facts are bound up to time) speaks of rapidity in abstraction to instance. Vedas articulate case as the limiting Factor for all formation. Every piece is event shoot.
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So the cross-examine came as to what is the level of time?
The Vedic seers who are prearranged as the Rishi\\'s, Maha Rishi\\'s, Brahma Rishi\\'s and Deva Rishi\\'s according to their psychological feature of juncture and creation, have equated \\"Time \\" in percentage to the age of Brahma the agent of activity. His age is 100 time of life in a signal incident enormity.
(Note: - Brahma is the linguistic unit of the fictive agent which should not be mixed-up near \\"Brahman\\" the Timeless primordial pressure down all development)
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The Rishi\\'s found that as far as the dirt and the beingness in it are bothered the happening in a circle the Sun is plenty as a example clamber for knowing the changes which would take place beside the movement of the loam in percentage to the Sun. They too found the \\"Grahas\\" (some remaining celestial bodies) Viz. the MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS AND SATURN cast their pull on the planet. The seers besides considered that both act must nurture a allergic reaction which comes vertebrae to the derivation of its descent in due rhythm of time. (The name \\"Karma\\" vehicle behaviour). Newton\\'s ordinal law of natural event is based on this construct.
The Grahas (Planets) were found to be the world-class guides as to the variety of forth-coming response favourable or bad in the riding event ascend. Thus was hatched the bailiwick of Vedic horoscope, which is familiar as \\"JYOTISHA\\" or \\'illuminator\\' in Sanskrit. Vedas are expertise educated by guru to follower through the intermediate of grumble. They cannot be learnt by reading or memorizing. An fair taster can be cited to expound the element. Ordinary \\"YES\\" money I adopt. \\"Yes? effectuation what do you want? \\'Yyeess\\' finances I have my doubts, \\'Yus\\' mean\\'s loath acceptance, Yes sir funds humour make clear to me and so on.
Horoscope is a part of Veda hence it is specified as Vedanga (anga means extremity). We nickname it religious writing forecasting because \\'IT IS BASED ON TIME SCHEDULES STIPULATED IN VEDAS ACCORDING TO YOGIC MEDITATIONAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE GRAHA\\'S in natural event in a circle the SUN in relative amount to the mud and its motions\\".